Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day!

 Daddy with all of his little ladies!
 Addison's First Father's Day with daddy!
 Its very rare we are all matching so I had to take a pic!
Ella and Addie!  Ella always wants a pic with her and asks me to take one!
 All the cousins together on Father's Day!
We had a relaxing Father's Day this year.  We went out to brunch as a family and enjoyed each others company.  Even though lunch out at restaurant now a days is so different from the days of just the two of us dining I wouldn't change it for anything.  These girls are so lucky to have such a wonderful Da Da (as they call him).  He does a lot for our family that we all appreciate and love him for.  Whether they need a playmate or a cuddle he is there for them.  These girls love their daddy and and their daddy would do anything for them.  They will always be Daddy's little girls!

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