Monthly Pic!
Happy Girl!
Love this little outfit!
Pretty in yellow and black!
You and your twin! Your cousin Will and you look so much alike!
All the girls and their blankys!
She loves to play with her feet!
Loves to bang the measuring cup on her highchair!
Her first time in the swing!
Addison at 7 Months:
You weigh around 14 pounds and are 25 and half inches long! This is your biggest gain yet!
You are wearing size 6 month clothing
You wear size 2 diaper and size one shoe
You love your jumperoo and are always trying to jump in my lap
Your favorite toy is really anything that makes noise or you can hold and shake
You love to play peek and boo
You love when I tickle you
You are sitting now!
You like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and really are interested in the songs from it.
You love to read books! It's so cute to see you when you look at them because you are so interested
You still love to be held a lot and my arms get tired but I'm soaking it in because I know you wont always like this. Plus I use the bjourn a lot which helps.
You starting going in the stroller where you can sit up and love that! We go on a lot of walks!
You still don't eat any baby food. The only thing you will eat is regular applesauce. I have a feeling you are going to skip the baby food stage.
You eat around 5 ounces of formula each bottle give or take and you have about 5 feedings a day
You are still getting up at night to eat. Usually around 10 or 11 and then again in the early morning
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