Friday, June 6, 2014

Bday Zoo Trip!

 Savanna on left

 Excited for the show!
 Almost show time!
 First Dolphin show!
 Flirting with the people behind us!
 Hanging out in the kangaroo pouch!

 They were so excited to see the giraffes!
 Addison kicking back and enjoying the zoo!
First Zoo trip at 6 months old!
We enjoyed a beautiful day at the zoo this year for the twins bday zoo trip! The weather was perfect and the girls enjoyed themselves as usual.  This time they really wanted to see the giraffes, zebras, hippos and dolphins of course.  We made it to all of those animals and a few more plus a carousel ride as well.  Always enjoy these fun days with my girls!!!  It is always exhausting but worth it!

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