Saturday, March 27, 2010


Ron and I survived going to Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby to register for the twins! After several trips and numerous adjustments online I think we are done. Ron was sure a trooper through it all. He is so excited to become a daddy and very involved in my pregnancy. Our goal now is to clean out our second bedroom. Up to this point it has been used for many purposes including an office, exercise room and storage space. Little by little we are making progress and I love imagining what it will look like when it becomes our nursery. Just last week Ron and I picked out the paint we will use for the room. We are planning to have the room cleared out by mid April. Then we will begin to paint. I can't wait!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Belly Pics

Four little hands to guide and to hold. Two special lives to share and to mold. Two little babies are gifts from above. Two special people to snuggle and love!

20 Week Ultra Sound Pic

Expecting Twins

Wow, were we surprised! We went in for our 20 week ultra sound appointment to find out what we are having and to see our baby for the first time. I felt nervous going into the appointment but also very excited to see my baby for the first time. When Ron and I went into the office the nurse shared the news with us that we were expecting twin girls! Ron almost fainted and I was in total shock! Our babies were labeled baby a and baby b. How amazing it was to see them both up on the screen. The nurse also told us that based upon the girls sharing one placenta and having a thin membrane that separates them that we are most likely expecting identical twins. Currently, the girls weigh 11 ounces each and are both healthy. We would have never anticipated this news going into the appointment but feel very blessed! I can't wait to meet them and I'm so excited about having two girls! I'm already planning our shopping trips and spa days together.