Sunday, June 22, 2014

Summer Days!

 Savanna with her excited face!
 Ella enjoying some sun!
 The girls in their new pool from Grandpa and Grandma!
 Going for a stroll!  The twins like taking turns riding in the stroller with Addie!

 Addison really like sitting up in this stroller vs. the snap and go!
 Ella relaxing with Addison!
 Savanna in the sprinkler!

 Ella in the sprinkler!

 Addie in the baby pool for the first time!

 She really loved it!  I knew she would because she loves the bath as well!
This pretty much sums up what we have been up too.  The girls love being able to be outside again with warm weather so we have been soaking it up.  We have also had a few play dates along with library outings as well.  I'm so happy it is summer again and that we can be outside for pretty much the entire day!

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