Sunday, June 15, 2014

Pool Fun!

 Ella going down the slide!
Savanna singing poolside!
And it begins!  Ella squirting Savanna with the new water gun!
 Ella filling up for more fun!
Ella playing with her new boat!
The girls and I went over to Nana and Papas house this week.  They got to use their pool for the first time over there and had a great time!  Ella was in the pool more and stayed outside pretty much the whole time so that is why she is in more pictures.  She would have stayed out there all night too if I let her.  She is going to be our outdoor girl I think.  I'm so excited they were actually able to go into the pool because this June has been pretty mild with not too many really hot days.  Hopefully they will be able to use their little pools more this July.  I love summer pool days with these girls.  They always have so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. This is the life of the MacDonald family as we juggle 3 small children and battle Rett Syndrome until Gods perfect time when we are cured.pool service nj
