Sunday, June 22, 2014

Summer Days!

 Savanna with her excited face!
 Ella enjoying some sun!
 The girls in their new pool from Grandpa and Grandma!
 Going for a stroll!  The twins like taking turns riding in the stroller with Addie!

 Addison really like sitting up in this stroller vs. the snap and go!
 Ella relaxing with Addison!
 Savanna in the sprinkler!

 Ella in the sprinkler!

 Addie in the baby pool for the first time!

 She really loved it!  I knew she would because she loves the bath as well!
This pretty much sums up what we have been up too.  The girls love being able to be outside again with warm weather so we have been soaking it up.  We have also had a few play dates along with library outings as well.  I'm so happy it is summer again and that we can be outside for pretty much the entire day!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day!

 Daddy with all of his little ladies!
 Addison's First Father's Day with daddy!
 Its very rare we are all matching so I had to take a pic!
Ella and Addie!  Ella always wants a pic with her and asks me to take one!
 All the cousins together on Father's Day!
We had a relaxing Father's Day this year.  We went out to brunch as a family and enjoyed each others company.  Even though lunch out at restaurant now a days is so different from the days of just the two of us dining I wouldn't change it for anything.  These girls are so lucky to have such a wonderful Da Da (as they call him).  He does a lot for our family that we all appreciate and love him for.  Whether they need a playmate or a cuddle he is there for them.  These girls love their daddy and and their daddy would do anything for them.  They will always be Daddy's little girls!

Pool Fun!

 Ella going down the slide!
Savanna singing poolside!
And it begins!  Ella squirting Savanna with the new water gun!
 Ella filling up for more fun!
Ella playing with her new boat!
The girls and I went over to Nana and Papas house this week.  They got to use their pool for the first time over there and had a great time!  Ella was in the pool more and stayed outside pretty much the whole time so that is why she is in more pictures.  She would have stayed out there all night too if I let her.  She is going to be our outdoor girl I think.  I'm so excited they were actually able to go into the pool because this June has been pretty mild with not too many really hot days.  Hopefully they will be able to use their little pools more this July.  I love summer pool days with these girls.  They always have so much fun!

Movie at the park!

Waiting for the show to start!  Ella on left!

Family Pic!

 Savanna lounging!
 Ella hanging out on the big blanket!
 Savanna dancing!
Grandma and Ella!
Their favorite song from the movie!
The twins enjoyed their first movie in the park last night!  They were showing Frozen so of course, we had to go.  They were so excited to go and did such a great job with being their first movie out somewhere.  They naturally hit up the snacks before the movie began and then settled in with daddy for most of the movie.  They really enjoyed sitting/laying with him while watching their favorite show.  I can't wait to go back again.  Such a fun experience with the girls!  

Monday, June 9, 2014

First Golf Lesson!

 I love this pic!  They are in the same position!

 Golf Stance!

 Future Golfers???

The girls had their first golf lesson with daddy this afternoon.  They were so excited to take part in something daddy knows how to do and loves.  They enjoyed themselves so much that they didn't want to stop.  Future golf lessons?  We will see.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Bday Zoo Trip!

 Savanna on left

 Excited for the show!
 Almost show time!
 First Dolphin show!
 Flirting with the people behind us!
 Hanging out in the kangaroo pouch!

 They were so excited to see the giraffes!
 Addison kicking back and enjoying the zoo!
First Zoo trip at 6 months old!
We enjoyed a beautiful day at the zoo this year for the twins bday zoo trip! The weather was perfect and the girls enjoyed themselves as usual.  This time they really wanted to see the giraffes, zebras, hippos and dolphins of course.  We made it to all of those animals and a few more plus a carousel ride as well.  Always enjoy these fun days with my girls!!!  It is always exhausting but worth it!