Monday, December 22, 2014

These are a few of my Favorite Things!

 The only Santa Addison seems to like this year!  Lol!
 I have the same pics with one of the twins and Santa that I love when they were this age!  So I had to take one of Addie with this Santa!
 All of my girls in matching outfits!  We have a lot of these this year!
 How cute are these Santa diapers?!
 Our peanut is 13 months old!
 She is into a lot this month!  It is amazing what just a month can do!
 She already knows how to hold the phone and take a picture with her Minnie camera!  She watches mommy too much!
 Savanna's Nativity set she made at preschool!
 Ella's set she made.  This was all made from playdoh.  Amazing what their teacher does with them!
 Santa projects!
 The new stockings the girls picked out this year!
 Addison's new stocking!  She needed a new one from Baby's First Christmas that we used last year!
 We bundled up this past weekend to go see Zoo lights!
 Daddy and his little ladies!
 Mommy and Addie!
All bundled up!
 The twins didn't want to leave!
 The Talking Tree!


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