Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Eve!


We are all ready for Santa to make his big journey!  The twins are even more excited than last Christmas and really got into the spirit of the season this year.  We celebrated this Christmas Eve with Grandpa Ron and Grandma Cheryl.  The girls all had a great time.  The twins especially loved their new Jasmine dolls and dress up clothes.  Addison really loved her new Minnie Mouse chair!  On Christmas Eve the girls also opened up their sisters gifts to each other.  They couldn't wait till Christmas Day to do it.  They asked just about everyday since they saw them go under the tree to open them up.  They also gave Mommy and Daddy gifts to open.  Mommy and Daddy got a new top to wear on Christmas.  I think its so sweet to see them get into the spirit of giving not just receiving.  That should be what Christmas is about and its fun to pass that onto the girls.

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