Monday, September 29, 2014


 Ella excited to be at the beach!
 Savanna feeling the sand!
 The twins getting their feet wet with their cousin, Emily!
 Addison sleeping away in the Bjorn!
All the kids hanging out on the beach!
 Addie isn't too sure about the sand yet!
 Love this baby feet pic!  Her feet were covered in sand!!!
 Our family pic!
 The twins were having so much fun with their cousin, Sophia in the camper!
Hanging out in the camper!
 Addie swinging!
Addie smiling under the paci!
 Savanna hanging around!
Ella about to go up the ramp!
 Slide races!
 Getting ready for the campfire with her glow sticks!
 Savanna's pumpkin glow stick!
Savanna hanging out in her chair!
Ella relaxing in her chair!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Preschool Things!

Savanna on left!
Ella's apple pie!

Savanna's pie!
 Their show and tell stuffed animals!
 Ella's first painting in pre-k!
 Savanna's first painting in pre-k!
Ella and Savanna have been pretty busy a preschool and by the way they love it!  Today they made mini apple pies at school to go along with the apple theme they have been working on this month.  They also did their first show and tell.  They call it sharing bags at school.  They both decided to bring in their favorite animal.  Ella brought in her zebra stuffed animal and Savanna brought in her giraffe.  They each helped me make up clues for their class to guess what they brought.  Each twin did a great job with this task.  They told me they had a fun time with this and I am thankful that each twin got to do it at the same time otherwise I think it could have been disaster around here.  Their teacher Mrs B., is so great with girls and the class.  I am so happy that they enjoy going each day and when they are done telling me all about their day.  It's so fun to hear what they did and who they played with.  I'm so glad they like preschool and are making little friends.  Preschool suits them for sure!

Addie's First Shoes!

Addie got her very first pair of stride rite shoes!  We went to the shoe store over the weekend to do some shopping for her.  It was an interesting first experience.  Like the twins, Addie cried too when they measured her.  She is very shy around new people she doesn't know and I think she just wasn't to sure about the shoe lady.  After she was measured, she was sized at a 2 and a half but it was recommended to give her a size three shoe. That way she will have some growing room.  I had a difficult time picking her shoes out just because I wanted them all!!!  They are all so adorable.  So needless to say I might have to go back again to get another pair soon.  I ended up going with these shoes because I thought they are neutral and will go well with everything for fall.  She has already been wearing them a lot and I am hoping they will help her learn to stand and walk easier while she is working on those skills.  She seems to a late bloomer with crawling and pulling herself up but I think she is on her own timeline.  She will do it when she is ready just like the whole eating baby food thing.  On a side note she is gearing up the for the big number one in a little over a month.  I just ordered her tutu outfit, invitations and centerpiece sticks.  Cannot wait for her pumpkin themed party! 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Ten months!

 Monthly picture!  10 months already?
Practicing standing with your new music table toy!
Riding around in my pink car!
 Addison cheering her big sister on at dance class!
 Ella playing with her little sister!
 The girls being silly with Addie!
 She loves baby juice!
 Right before bedtime with her favorite book!
Addison at 10 months old:
You weigh 16 pounds, 27 3/4 inches long
You are wearing size 3 diapers and size 1 shoe
You are wearing 9 month clothing and some 6 month clothing still
You are really mamma's girl but love your time with daddy too!
You are really becoming shy.  You wailed at your 9 month pictures because you didn't know the photographer but did come out of it and take some nice pics!
You love to watch your sisters and your big sis Ella loves to play games with you to make you laugh!
You hair is starting to get thicker and is really curly and is getting a little bit lighter from the sun
You are sleeping 11 to 12 hours at night
You still take two naps a day
You are taking 4 bottles a day at 5 ounces each
You eat three meals a day with a entire pouch at each sitting
You like to drink baby juice now including pear and apple/prune juice
We are planning your first birthday already.  I can't wait for it to all come together!  Just ordered your outfit and headband for the occasion.  Now I'm working on your party décor.  I can't believe you will be one soon?!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


 Ella on left!
 Ready for their first day of pre-k!
 I love this pic of Ella!
 Great of pic of Savanna too!
 Their backpacks!
 Working on puzzles!
 Easel Station!

 My big girls!
 Circle Time!
The girls had their first day of Preschool today!  They had such a great day and did so well.  I could tell that especially Savanna was really anticipating the first day of school and wasn't sure about it.  So I was expecting the girls to be very shy and possibly have a hard time saying goodbye but it was quite the opposite.  The girls were ready to go when we first arrived washing their hands and finding their name tags.  Then they were ready to try out all the new toys with me.  They especially loved the easel painting station.  Next, it was circle time and the twins found their spot on the carpet really quickly.  The parents got to stay and watch what will be their circle time routine of counting, reading books, songs and bible stories.  Then it was time for me to leave which was easy for the girls to separate because they had asked me to leave 15 minutes prior to this which was surprising.  They said, "Mommy you can go now."  I would have never thought the girls would say that but I am happy this transition into school went so smoothly for them.  It is going to be an exciting school year for them.  I can't wait for them to make new friends and learn new things.  I can't believe I have two school aged kids now.  Looking forward to a great year for my first babies!