Monday, June 10, 2013

Potty Training and LeapPad!

 Savanna on left
We are listening to an alphabet story on our leap pad!
We have officially started Potty Training!!!  It is exhausting times two for sure but I hope we will have some positive success soon!  The first day we had a lot of accidents...I mean a lot!  But there was light at the end of the tunnel when Savanna peed a little and then did the rest on the potty!  I was so happy for her and she was excited as well.  Then the afternoon brought more accidents but now on day two she was successful again.  She doesn't make it fast enough yet to do it all on the potty but she is starting to get the feeling.  Ella has not yet been successful yet as far as making it to the potty but hopefully it will happen for her soon too.  The girls received a leap pad for their birthday and in-between potty training we have been using it.  They seem to really like it and their parents like it a lot too.  It has so many learning activities and it is something else we can use besides the computer games we already do.  It is so nice to have it especially now when I am trying to keep them in one area while training.  Hopefully we will be potty trained soon!

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