Monday, June 3, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday!


Ella on left!


Savanna on left
Family Pic!

We had a family party over the weekend for the girls third birthday.  The girls had a fun time celebrating their day princess style.  I had so much fun planning this party for them and it was so exciting to see how they really enjoyed every detail of it!  As soon as they woke up in the morning they pointed out the princess tablecloths and said look mommy at all of the princess'!  It was so cute!  Ella even proceeded to name all of the them for me as she pointed to each one.  It was so nice to share their birthday with everyone who loves them too!  I can't believe they are three already!  I love seeing their little personalities come out and I enjoy hearing them talk so much!  It is amazing how much their vocabulary has grown and how much they already know.  Happy 3rd Birthday little ladies!  We love you!


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