Sunday, June 30, 2013

It's a girl!!!


Savanna poses for me!
Ella and yes she has her princess crown on!  She wears it all the time!
 Yum, strawberry cupcakes!
We had our 20 week ultrasound appointment this week and found out we are blessed with another girl!  Ron and I were thinking it was a boy so we were surprised when we found out it's a girl.  During the ultrasound the tech told us how active this baby is.  She had a really hard time taking the pictures she needed because as soon as she set it up the baby would move.  So needless to say we were there for an hour trying to get the right pictures.  After everything was said and done the baby is healthy and growing beautifully!  To celebrate the news of a girl we made strawberry cupcakes to enjoy.  The girls each had one cupcake and of course wanted another one!  It's fun to tell them now that they are going to have a baby sister instead of just saying baby all the time.  They don't quite get it yet but we do talk about it a lot to get them use to the idea.  Now the planning of the nursery begins!  I am looking into some bedding and paint colors for this baby's nursery and I think I'm going to do something very different from the twin's room.  I'm looking into doing either purple or yellow depending on what I can find.  It's exciting to get to do another nursery and prepare for this baby.  I have already started to take out a few baby things from the twins and it brings back so many good memories!  Especially the baby swing which was my favorite baby thing we received.  It's so adorable!  I will post pics soon as the nursery is coming along.  I can't wait till it's finished!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Pool Day!

 Here are our new cover-ups for the summer!
 Savanna in Cinderella!

 Ella in Snow White!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013



 Happy Girls!
 Too Cute!
 Savanna on right!

 Silly Girls!
 Ella face!


 Savanna thinking about getting into something!
 My cutie!

 Savanna hugging Ella!

 Distracted but cute pic!

Pretty Savanna!
We decided to go to Catigny Gardens on this beautiful day!  The weather was perfect and the scene there is gorgeous!  The girls love going there and looking at all of the beautiful flowers they have.  Of course, the best part for them is that they get to run and let out some of their endless energy!  Overall I think I got some good pictures of them considering how quickly they move when we visit here.  I love summer time and being able to enjoy the outdoors!  Can't wait to visit again soon!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day!

 Savanna relaxing with Daddy!
 Ella and Savanna with Daddy!
Happy Daddy's day today!  The girls and I took daddy out to breakfast this morning.  We then gave him a new shirt and the girls each made a craft for him too.  Then we spent the rest of the morning relaxing and the girls played.  They love when their daddy is home for the day and love spending time with him.  I'm sure he enjoyed his day as well with his little ladies! 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Toddler Bed!



We are transitioning to toddler beds today!  These pics were taken before we put the rails up.  Boy were they excited that they can get into their beds by themselves!  After they each tried out their own bed then they both wanted to go in their sister's bed together.  They just thought that was the greatest thing in the world!  Tonight should be interesting.  I have to admit even though they are old enough for this change I am a little nervous about it all.  I think maybe because they are my first and they are growing up!  Well wish us good luck tonight.  Hopefully we are all able to get some sleep! 

Monday, June 10, 2013


 Ella getting right in there!
 Sweet Ella!
 Sweet Savanna!

 Trying to convince Savanna to go in the sprinkler.  She isn't buying it!
 Ella trying to get her in!

 Ella having fun in the octopus sprinkler!
