Friday, January 3, 2014


 All ready to go outside and play in the snow!
 Sledding with daddy and the neighbors!
 Having fun!
 Snow bunnies!!!

 Savanna making a snow angel!
 Ella started to but didn't like doing it.
 and...warm chocolate milk!!!
Ella really enjoyed it!
The girls really enjoyed the snow this year!  As soon as we asked them if they wanted to play in it they followed with a quick yes!  They didn't waste anytime walking in it and kicking it around.  Plus they went sledding for the first time on our neighbors little hill next to their house and loved it!  Ella actually asked Daddy to go faster!  This surprised me because I wasn't sure how they would take to the snow this year.  Every year before they weren't really into it until now.  I'm so glad they are enjoying themselves!  They also got to play in the backyard and made some snow angels.  Well...Savanna was the only that really participated in that.  Ella tried but didn't like laying in the snow and got up pretty quickly.  Then after the playtime was over they came inside to enjoy a warm cup of chocolate milk.  A great way to end a fun time in the snow!


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