Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas Eve Pics!

Savanna on left
Cute sister pic!
Mommy and the girls!
 Bitty Baby!
Savanna stopping for a quick pose with her bitty baby!

Nana and Papa with the grandkids!
Addison's First Christmas!
Happy baby!
Mommy and Daddy with Addie!
We finally got to do our Christmas Eve celebration this past weekend.  Due to sickness it had to be postponed.   My nephew, Jay was sick but now is doing much better.  The girls were so excited to see what was under Papa and Nana's tree.  They were a pro by this point opening gifts and were very thankful for all of the beautiful gifts. Savanna even said, " I just love this!" when she opened the gifts which was nice to hear.  After spending a fun time together we ended the night with cupcakes and ice cream which was a sweet treat!

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