Friday, January 24, 2014

Movie Night!

 Ella and Maddie!
 Ella, Maddie, Savanna
The girls and Ryan joining in!
The girls had a movie night with their good friend Maddie and her brother Ryan.  It was so cute to see the girls enjoying their popcorn and the company.  All the girls chose to watch "The Little Mermaid!"  You can see in the pics above that they couldn't keep their eyes off of the t.v.  They loved it and keep asking to watch it again.  They really enjoyed their play date as always and can't wait for the next one!

Scrub a dub dub!

Addison loves the tub!!!  Not that long ago I switched Addie to her blue bath tub and she loves it.  She never cries and seems so relaxed.  The only part she doesn't like is when she has to come out!  She cries for a bit but as soon as she is dressed and warm she is a happy camper.  I love the pics of her in her bath towel.  So cute!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Dealing with the cold!

 Playing with our new jewelry boxes!
 Ella in her necklace!
 Savanna all decked out!
Snow Ice-cream!!!
 Can you tell someone really enjoys it?
It has been super chilly the last few days so we are trying to stay busy with activities inside.  The cabin fever has set in for sure so I try to switch up the activities daily to make it fun.  We spent the entire morning upstairs playing with toys and relaxing.  Then in the afternoon we made snow ice-cream, (so fun!) played with playdoh and did Simon says.  We had a great day together! 


Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas Eve Pics!

Savanna on left
Cute sister pic!
Mommy and the girls!
 Bitty Baby!
Savanna stopping for a quick pose with her bitty baby!

Nana and Papa with the grandkids!
Addison's First Christmas!
Happy baby!
Mommy and Daddy with Addie!
We finally got to do our Christmas Eve celebration this past weekend.  Due to sickness it had to be postponed.   My nephew, Jay was sick but now is doing much better.  The girls were so excited to see what was under Papa and Nana's tree.  They were a pro by this point opening gifts and were very thankful for all of the beautiful gifts. Savanna even said, " I just love this!" when she opened the gifts which was nice to hear.  After spending a fun time together we ended the night with cupcakes and ice cream which was a sweet treat!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Two months!

You are two months old!  You are growing and getting bigger everyday!  Here is a update on what you have been up too!
At two months old:
You weigh 9 pounds, 5 ounces and are 22.5 inches long
You wear newborn and 0-3 month clothes(although some of the newborn stuff is getting too small because you are so long)
Newborn diapers still (but you may be moving into size one diapers soon)
You lift your head up and move it side to side
You are starting to enjoy your playmat more
You love attention, cuddles and being held.  You started to coo at me when we play together.  I love having little conversations with you!
You starting smiling December 14th and it is the cutest thing ever!  Especially after you eat you are really happy!
You like your bath now.  (I moved you to the little blue tub with a bath sponge and now you are so calm in the bath and enjoy the warm water)
You have the cutest cheeks now!
You are starting to go a little longer for feedings like 2 1/-2 hours to 3 hours sometimes.
You sleep so well at night!  You usually wake up for one feeding and then go back to sleep for about three to four hours.  You usually go to bed between 10 and 11, then you eat around 4 or 5 and go back to sleep until 8 or 9.  It's so nice because mommy is getting more sleep too!

Friday, January 3, 2014


 All ready to go outside and play in the snow!
 Sledding with daddy and the neighbors!
 Having fun!
 Snow bunnies!!!

 Savanna making a snow angel!
 Ella started to but didn't like doing it.
 and...warm chocolate milk!!!
Ella really enjoyed it!
The girls really enjoyed the snow this year!  As soon as we asked them if they wanted to play in it they followed with a quick yes!  They didn't waste anytime walking in it and kicking it around.  Plus they went sledding for the first time on our neighbors little hill next to their house and loved it!  Ella actually asked Daddy to go faster!  This surprised me because I wasn't sure how they would take to the snow this year.  Every year before they weren't really into it until now.  I'm so glad they are enjoying themselves!  They also got to play in the backyard and made some snow angels.  Well...Savanna was the only that really participated in that.  Ella tried but didn't like laying in the snow and got up pretty quickly.  Then after the playtime was over they came inside to enjoy a warm cup of chocolate milk.  A great way to end a fun time in the snow!


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

 Addison in her new shirt!

They love their New Year's headbands! 
We spent a quiet New Years at home.  The girls were busy playing with their new toys and relaxing with a Disney movie.  We all went to bed early and got some needed rest from the busy holiday schedule.  Here's to 2014!!!  May it bring peace, happiness and joy!