Monday, January 2, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

 Ella on left!
 Such an Ella face!
 They look so much alike in this pic!  Savanna on left!
 Savanna likes her first gift and is all done for now!
 Ella enjoying the opening of presents this year!
 Mommy and her girls!
 The girls having Cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning!
 Xmas morning opening gifts from Santa!
 The Sesame Street house was a big hit!

 Happy New Year! 
We love to push our tower down!

We really enjoyed our Christmas this year with the girls.  They really got into the unwrapping of gifts and eating the many different kinds of Christmas food especially the cranberries!  Our girls are so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends.  The girls were spoiled with many gifts including the new Rock n Roll Elmo, Sesame Street house with characters, doll strollers for each girl and so much more!  We are so blessed for all that share their love with our girls!  As far as our New Years, it was quiet and we spent it at home.  Our neighbors came over and the kids all played together which was nice.  The girls enjoyed trying juice boxes and eating all the junk food we had.  We are all looking forward to 2012!

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