Sunday, October 4, 2015

Apple Picking 2015!

We had an amazing Sunday picking apples at the orchard!  It was bit cool this year but as long as you were dressed for the weather it wasn't too bad.  We picked and ate some of our favorites which even Addie got to participate in this year!  She loved eating her apple all the down to almost the seeds.  The twins each enjoyed eating an apple along with picking and filling our apple bag.  Then the kids enjoyed playing at the kid activities the rest of the morning.  They especially loved the corn bin, jumping pillow and feeding the barnyard animals.  We finished off the morning with eating a packed lunch and warming our tummies with fresh baked apple donuts!  Yum!  It was another successful trip to the orchard and now we're looking forward to enjoying the pumpkin patch next!  Happy Fall!!!

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