Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Celebrating the Fourth!

 We were pretty busy over July 3rd and 4th!  We went to a festival and fireworks on the 3rd.  The twins had a blast this year going on the big jumpys, horse ride, train and face painting.  The older they get the more they are willing to try new things.  Especially Ella!  Addie had her turn this year on the train ride which she loved.  She kept making the train noise as we rode along.  That night we sat in our usual spot and enjoyed some ice-cream and popsicles as we watched the fireworks.  The twins loved it!  Then we went to a parade and my sister's on the 4th!  It was so fun this year seeing even Addie join the fun of collecting candy.  She didn't have a shy bone in her little body.  She went right up there with the rest of them to collect every last piece of candy.  So many of us were getting a kick out of watching her.  The twins of course cleaned up pretty well with a full bag of goodies once the parade was over.  Next we went to my sisters house and everyone enjoyed some outdoor fun and sparklers to end the night!  We were tired from the weekend but really enjoyed the time with family and friends!

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