Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Addison's 18 month old pictures!

Addison and I did a mini photo shoot so I could capture her at 18 months old.  I thought about going to a studio but I really wanted some outdoor pictures of her.  She is super duper busy at this age so I wasn't sure if I was going to get any good ones but I was wrong.  There are so many here that I enjoy and even the ones without her looking at the camera because they capture her curls.  Boy do I love those curls!  She is so full of life and energy and I think you can see it in these pictures.  Such a sweet age to be.  So glad I will have great memories like this to look back on.  Love you Addie!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Swimming Lessons!

 Savanna on left!

 Savanna learning how to swim!
 Ella's turn!

 Ella learning how to float!
 Savanna's turn!

The girls had their first swim lesson today and it went great!  I thought this summer would be a good time to sign the twins up for lessons especially with our beach vacation coming up.  Plus it would be nice to make a switch to a new activity.  They will be going once a week for a 30 minute class that includes only 3 kids which is going to give them a lot of individual learning time.  I look forward to seeing what they learn and how they grow over the summer! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ariel and Cinderella 5th Birthday Party!

 Savanna's Centerpiece!
 Ella's Centerpiece!

 Celebrating the big number 5 today!
 Ella's cake!
Savanna's cake!
 Cinderella cupcakes!
 Ariel cupcakes!
 The twins standing by their cake jump house!

 The kid favors!
 Ariel's sand vanilla pudding and Cinderella's pumpkins!
 Savanna's piñata! 
 All the kids going in for the candy!!!
 Ella's piñata! 
 E and S opening up presents!
 Taking a break to hug their new dolls!
 Savanna holding up her new bathing suit!
 Ella getting a little silly putting her on top of her head!
 Quick pic with my girls!
 Happy Birthday to Savanna!
Happy Birthday to Ella!
 Now lets eat cake!!!
 We have five year olds now?!  Wow!
The twins had their 5th birthday celebration this past weekend with a Ariel and Cinderella themed party!  This is the first year the twins wanted a separate theme.  I thought it may be very difficult to pull it off but really it wasn't too hard.  The twins enjoyed playibg their cousins and their friends all through the day!  They especially loved doing their pinatas and eating their cakes!!!  They are so blessed to have so many who came out for their day and who showered them with bday presents.  They were beat by the end of the night and slept in the next day.  They kept saying what a beautiful party it was!  (They are always so thankful for everything!  My sweet girls!)  Then they played the next day with their new toys and relaxed around the house.  Now onto the year of five!