Friday, March 27, 2015

Coloring Easter Eggs!

Ready to begin!

Papa, Nana and the twins!
The twins with mommy!
Ella coloring!
Savanna coloring!
Look at those beautiful eggs!

Ella doing her favorite color, red!
Savanna really enjoyed this activity!
The girls were really excited about coloring Easter eggs this year!  As soon as they saw the kit that I brought home they wanted to get started.  So I prepared the eggs and the next day we colored to our hearts content.  This year was a little different because they did it mostly by themselves which they loved.  Ella was a little more gentle with handling the eggs where Savanna was super excited and in a rush.  She couldn't wait to get to the next one then the next one...!  She spilled a little dye here and there but had a lot of fun.  Ella too!  Addison is not pictured here because she was napping during it all but I'm sure next year she will be ready and willing to get into the festivities.  Today the girls and I went to visit the Easter bunny.  I will upload that picture soon because it's too funny not to share.  Addison's face especially is priceless!  So stay tuned! 

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