Tuesday, February 3, 2015

15 months!

 This sweet pea is 15 months!!!  No sign for the occasion but thought I would blog about it!
 Love, love this sweet adorable little girl!  What a personality she has these days!
 She loves her ride on toy!
 Walking with Daddy!
 Loves walking with her toys and now she started using one hand on occasion!
 Has mastered how to stack the rings!
 Taking first steps!

 Addison at 15 months:
You love to cuddle and give hugs!
You can say momma, da da, ba ba, and I think you said baby recently.  (you also know how to shake your head to say no)
You love to hear your voice and often experiment with different sounds
You are good at putting things into a container and dumping them out
You are very observant and learn new things by watching others
You are taking a few steps without holding onto anything
You are a climber!  Your recent trick was climbing your sisters chairs and getting onto the coffee table!  Yikes!
Your hair is very curly when you get out of the bath but can be straighten with brush to add those cute hair clips mommy likes to use.  You also have hair long enough for a little ponytail.
You love to walk with your lion and baby stroller walking toys
You love to play with the Little People Castle, The Day at Disney Castle, and Fisher Price house toy
You still take two naps a day, although I think we may be moving into one nap soon
You drink out of a straw cup very well
You still take four bottles a day but we will be moving to cup for some of your bottles soon
You have three teeth!  Besides your one bottom tooth you have another bottom tooth and a molar that came in.  The doctor also pointed out that you have about three teeth on top that will be arriving shortly.  So that explains the sleepless the nights we have been having recently.
You started finger foods!  You now eat; avacados, bananas, greek yogurt, peaches, eggs, baby French toast, shredded cheese, sweet potato, carrots, crunches, chicken noodle soup, and watermelon!
You are our sunshine!  We love you baby girl!!!

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