Friday, October 31, 2014

No Tricks, Just Treats!

 The twins in their skeleton Halloween pajamas!
 They love the fact that they glow in the dark!
 Two out of the three looking at the camera is pretty good!
 Our little pumpkin!
 My three little girls watching Spookily the pumpkin movie!
Halloween cuties!
 Our little pumpkin!
 My littlest love!
 Happy First Halloween!
 The Frozen Princess'
 Trick or treating at the mall!  Too cold to be outside this year!
 Ella and Papa!
 Nana and Savanna!
 Nana and Addie!
 They really got into it this year!
 The twins with their Nana and Papa!
 My girls!
 All the girls together!
 My littlest love and me!  She was so tired in this pic!  No afternoon nap but she was a trooper!
Our Halloween activities are coming to a close with today.  Happy Halloween to all!  We first celebrated the day at daddy's work to drop off lunch and show off our costumes.  Then we went to the mall for some trick or treating.  It was so cold, windy and snowy that we decided to celebrate our Halloween a little differently.  It was nice the girls still got to join in the Halloween fun even though the weather didn't cooperate.  After the mall we went home and the twins enjoyed a few treats before dinner.  Then once bedtime hit they fell asleep right away!  It was fun day as always.  I always love to see the girls in their costumes and our littlest one in her first costume.  Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Parties!

 Library friends from our storytime class!
 Sitting pretty waiting for storytime to start!
 Anna and Elsa!
 Scarf time!
 Ella doing a Halloween craft!
 Savanna doing a Halloween craft!
 This little girl and the twins like to play together at storytime!
Addison dressed up as a princess with her big sisters for library class!
 The twins at their preschool party!
 Their class all together!
 Their apples from an apple game they played!
 Mrs. B doing a felt Halloween story with the kids!
 Pumpkin story!
 Addison on the move in the back!
 Halloween treat bags the girls passed out to their class!
Treats for the teacher!
 Savanna and Ms. Michelle!
 My girls!
Mrs. B with the twins!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Boo at the Zoo and Pumpkin Carving!

 Addie in her costume!
 The twins with their friend, Maddie!
 Savanna with Maddie and Ryan!  They had some neat pumpkin carvings there!
 My sweet girls!
 Savanna with her pumpkin!
 Ella with her pumpkin!
 Addison's little pumpkin!

 Getting all the pumpkin goop out as the twins call it!
 Ella was getting into it this year!
 Savanna did it with her spoon she didn't want any part in touching it!
 The twins pumpkins!  They wanted an owl and a skeleton face.