Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mother's Day and Birthday!

My three girls!

My littlest love!
My big girls!

I had a very quiet Mother's Day this year because the stomach bug hit me early in the morning.  We had to end up canceling all our plans and stay home.  No complaints here because even no the stomach bug is no fun I got to nap relax all day which was much needed.  My girls were well taken care off so I was able to get the rest I needed. Not what I expected for my first Mother's Day with Addison here but I was thankful I was able to relax on the couch.
My birthday was a cold one this year.  Colder than I ever remember.  So we stayed inside most of the day.  The girls love to sing and eat cake on birthdays so we went over to my parents house during the day to do so.  I think Ella's first words were, "Where is the cake?" when she found out it was my birthday.  Then the rest of the night was relaxing with my loved ones.  I am most looking forward to doing my gift from the hubby.  We get to do the penguin experience this summer.  I cannot wait since I love penguins.  I just smile thinking about it! 

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