Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Four Months!

 Monthly Picture!
Love this outfit!
In your purple pjs talking away!
 And another one I couldn't decide!
Tummy Time!
Playing on floor.  Hello Mommy!
All dressed up!

Looking cute!
The oldest with the youngest!
Hanging out in your crib!

Addison at 4 months old:!)
You are wearing size 1 diapers and 3 month clothes.
You are really starting to become chatty!  Love the baby talk!
You like to do floor time now and like listening to the music on your lamp toy.
You are really putting your hands in your mouth and drooling a lot.  (Bibs are your friend!)
You are such a happy baby and smile a lot especially when you wake up in the morning!
We moved you to your nursery.  This was a big deal and really hard for mommy.  I cried a little but know that it is for the best!
You are starting to grasp your toys and love anything that makes noise.  One of your other favorite toys right now is your baby that plays you are my sunshine.
You did roll over from your belly to your back a couple of weeks ago but I think it may have been one time thing for now.  Although you are getting on your side a lot so I think you are very close to rolling over.
You love sitting up on the couch or in my lap.  I think we may pull out the bumbo chair this month because I think you are ready.
You continue to sleep well at night.  You sometimes get up for a early morning feeding but then go right back down. 
You go back and fourth between two feeding schedules and you eat every 3 to 4 hours.





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