Thursday, December 5, 2013

One Month Old!

 You and your paci!
Rock and Play Sleeper (your favorite!)

 Tummy Time!
 You sure like that zebra!

Addison is one month old today!  She is getting so big everyday.   I can really tell she is getting bigger in her cheeks.  They are really starting to fill out!  Our little peanut is getting bigger day by day.  Here is a little update on Addison below.

At one month old:
You weigh 7.25 pounds and are 20.5 inches long
You love your rock and play sleeper, it's the only thing you sleep in at night
Love to be held
Like your swing
Wear size newborn clothes and diapers, some 0-3 month sleepers
Can move your head side to side, so strong!
Love when we talk to you, so alert to our voices
Like to sit up for a short while propped up
Like your paci

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