Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Cookies!

 Ella making a Christmas stocking!

 They had to use each and every cookie cutter we had!

 Savanna making a present cookie!
 Working hard on those yummy cookies!
Time to decorate with sprinkles!
 Savanna in deep thought!
 Ella enjoying her cookie!
Savanna enjoying her cookie!
Our cookies!
We didn't get to make cookies at Christmas this year so I wanted to make at least the sugar cookies afterwards when everything calm down a bit.  The girls always love baking cookies with me which is one of my favorite things to do as well.  We kept it simple and just added plain homemade frosting with Christmas colored sprinkles.  Something cute that Savanna said while we were making cookies was, "We need to make enough for the village."  I guess too many princess movies lately!  Then Ella followed by saying, "We are making these cookies for our family."  Ella is always thinking of others.  Such a sweetie! 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Morning!

 Cookies for Santa with milk!
 Tradition to read, "The Night Before Christmas"
 Stockings all filled by Santa!

 The twins first coming downstairs and seeing the presents!
 Super excited!
 So happy!

 Princess Ella
 Princess Savanna

 The big gift, a princess stable with horses!

 They loved their new dress up clothes!

 Addison's stockings is as big as her!
 Addie with her gifts!
 Santa was good to me this year!
 Daddy and his three little ladies!
 Mommy and the girls!
We had a wonderful Christmas morning together!  Savanna was super excited to come downstairs first thing in the morning once we told her that Santa had come.  Ella wasn't so sure because she thought Santa was still in the house.  Once we told her that Santa had gone back to the North Pole she came downstairs and wanted to take part in it.  They both really got into opening presents this year.  I didn't even really have to start it for them because they pretty much did it all themselves.  Savanna took her time to examine each present while Ella was ready to go to the next one.  They were both excited to open the clip clop princess stable, new dress up clothes and princess accessories.  To top it off we had our usual cinnamon rolls.  It was a wonderful Christmas morning and I can't wait till next year when Addison is getting into things.  Children make the holidays so special!!!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Visiting Santa!

 Grandma and the girls!
 Yogurt and bacon interesting combination!
 Hungry girls!
 Savanna not sure about Santa!
So cute!
Addison and Santa!
 She did so well!
Ella was being shy and unsure but did decide to visit Santa!
We did our annual brunch with Santa at the golf course!  The girls did so well this year with everything.  They even both went up to see Santa.  Savanna went up there first with me and told Santa she wanted a Cinderella crown.  Ella kept viewing Santa from a safe distance but wouldn't go up to see him.  Finally when we were about to leave Ella decided to be brave and go up to see Santa. She didn't talk to him or look at him but stood there long enough for a picture.  Addison didn't even cry and just stared at him the whole time.  I don't think Santa wanted to give her up!  Overall, I think it was our best visit yet!   

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Holiday House!

 Good Times!
The finished product! 
What a fun little project!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

All bundled up!

We have actually made it out of the house for a few adventures.  Mostly doctors appointments but I actually bravely ventured out to target with all three kids!!!  I know, it's crazy but the twins and I needed to get out of the house for a bit.  So far Addison likes being in the car.  She usually sleeps really well it's just the process of getting her bundled and into the car seat that she doesn't like.  All in all I think our trip was successful!  I actually got a few things in my cart and was able to purchase them.  It was so nice to get out again!