Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Addison's Crib!

 It's here and all set up!!!
 Love it!
 Her bedding is all put together!
I'm so excited for Addison to be here!  The only thing we have left is to hang the valance and put up her name decal and then the room is completely finished.  It feels so good to be ahead this time around.  I can't believe she will be here in two weeks!  Here is a little update:
Size of baby: around 6 pounds, size of a small pumpkin
 Movement:  She moves all the time, still very active!
Cravings:  Lately all I want is hot chocolate!  It's unusual because I had the same craving at the end of the twins pregnancy too! 
Nursery: Finished!
Due Date:  Still planning on the 11th.  We haven't had any action yet so I think she is pretty comfortable in there!

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