Sunday, August 18, 2013

Our Baby!

 This picture is from an earlier ultra sound.  It's the only black and white photo that I have of the baby so far.  The little white dot is our baby! 
 The bump at 27 weeks along!
Here is a little update on the baby and pregnancy!
Gender:  sweet baby girl
Name:  Addison Adele!  Nickname: Addie
Size of baby:  She is about 2 1/2 pounds.  Growing day by day.
Movement:  She kicks all the time!  Very active!
Cravings:  I think this changes week to week.  I have had a lot more cravings for certain foods this pregnancy than I did with the twins.
Nursery:  Light purple, still picking out a bedding set.  I'm deciding between two that I like.
Maternity Pics:  I scheduled maternity photos for the beginning of October.  It will be so nice to have this pregnancy memory in photos and to have some nice big sister photos as well.
Scheduled Due Date:  11-11-13

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