Monday, September 10, 2012

Apple Picking!

Ella on left
The crew!

Ella picking an apple!
Savanna picking her apple!

mmmm....good apples!
Family pic!

The girls with Jayden!
Corn Pit!
Over the weekend we went to Malta, IL.  to visit an apple orhard.  The girls really like to pick flowers and tomatoes around the house so I knew they would love picking apples. They had a blast!  We couldn't stop them once they got started!!!  For the first time they ate a whole apple by themselves which was fun to see.  After we were done picking apples, the girls got to go in a play area where they sat in a big pile of corn!  This was their favorite part there and when we left we were finding corn everywhere!  We had a great time and can't wait to go back again!

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