Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

 Egg Hunt at Grandma and Grandpa's house!
We are getting the hang of this!
Ella with her egg basket!
Savanna waving hi!
Basket from the Easter Bunny!
Ella looking through her basket!
 Our girls taking a break with a snack!
Egg Hunt at home!
 Egg Hunt at Grandma and Papa's house!
 Savanna loves the little bunny she found in her basket!
 Pretty Savanna!

 Pretty Ella!

We had a wonderful Easter this year with the girls!  We were very busy visiting with all of our family members.  The best part of this Easter was watching the girls in all of their egg hunts.  It was so fun to see the girls collect the eggs and really get into it!  By the end of four hunts they were pros!  They look so big this year compare to their first easter.  It's so much fun to see them grow and change from year to year.  Maybe next year they will even sit on the Easter bunny's lap!

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