Sunday, September 27, 2015

Camping Trip 2015!

We had an amazing beautiful weekend camping in Wisconsin!  Our usual place is our absolute favorite place and brings so many memories back and also creates new ones.  We love getting away because it is so relaxing and really get to enjoy nature's beauty in a new way.  Alough with three kids its a new kind of vacation but still fun to create new memories with them here and share one of our favorite places with them.  I couldn't believe how much Ella got into the beach this year.  Even though the water was cold we couldn't keep her out of it.  She had fun getting her feet wet and playing in the sand!  Savanna loved seeing the sunrise and sunsets.  She kept commenting on seeing this and also playing with her cousin Sophia.  And Addison where do we begin?  She loves being outside in general so she loved camping and running around free.  It was a lot of work chasing and keeping up with her but she truly did enjoy herself out there.  So here is a close to our camping trip 2015.  Till next year!  PS.  We try a tent next year?!

The First Day of Kindergarten!

My twin babies started Kindergarten!!!  I can't believe they are big enough to be in Kindergarten now but I'm also happy for them to start new adventures!  I decided to place them in the same class this year because Savanna has been having some separation anxiety issues.  So far they both have been doing great!  It was hard for Savanna a few days but after that it got much better.  I think it helps that the girls go everyday to school now so it just has become part of their routine.  This is a big year ahead because they also have pm kindergarten which means rest time is out.  So many changes but I'm excited my little girls are growing up!  Cheers to Kindergarten!!!