Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Splash Pad!

Tongue tied!

Our Ella went in this past Tuesday morning for a procedure to fix her tongue tie.  This had brought to our attention recently and we decided to move quickly before kindergarten begins to get it fixed.  Ella was upset when I first told her what was going to happen but after that she didn't look back.  She was  a perfectly calm sweet child the entire time.  Both Ron and I were there for her while the other little ones we at home with Nana and Papa.  We were so lucky she had wonderful group of doctors and nurses who took good care of her during this time.  I couldn't have asked for it to go any better.  At home she has had great spirits and has been doing well.  She still has a hard time eating certain foods but it will take time to heal.  So proud of my baby girl!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Twins First Sox Game!

Ella's Elsa Face Painting!

 Savanna's Face Rainbow Painting!

 Ella and her red ladybug souvenir!
 Savanna and her yellow bee souvenir she picked out!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


We had a fun day at Cosley Zoo with friends!  We haven't been there in a long time so it was nice to see everyone and enjoy the beautiful day!  Addie especially loved the ducks!  She just kept saying Ducks, ducks!  So cute!  The twins really wanted to see the pigs today and that was one of the first animals we visited.  Looking forward to doing a few more activities before the twins start Kindergarten!

Vacation and a Birthday!

Here are just a few pictures of our beach vacation and my nephew, Will's 11th Birthday celebration!  We had a wonderful relaxing week in Alabama for the week.  We loved every minute from playing in the sand, swimming in the ocean and pool, seeing dolphins, playing games at the arcade to spending time together.  We will always have great memories to look back on our first family vacation away!  I will post more pictures soon!  :)