Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Shedd!

 The twins each had their own map and were very interested in seeing each window.
 Savanna was very interested in using the touch screens they had there which described each creature in the window.  She kept going up to each one!

 Addison was really into the whole visit and enjoyed the fish!
 So hard to get a picture of these two together these days.
 A little blue frog that the girls thought was neat!
 Addison with Ella!
 A "huge" turtle as the girls called it!
 Savanna was walking with this fish as it was swimming by!
 The girls couldn't get over the size of this fish swimming around!
 They weren't even half the size of this fish!
 Addie turning for a quick pic!
 They loved this tank with all of the little fish!
 Ella looking in!
We took advantage of the free days they have at the museums and headed to the city to the Shedd Aquarium yesterday!  I didn't tell the girls we were going until we were in the city.  I like to surprise them once in a while!  :)  They had a blast looking at all of the tanks with different creatures but I think they enjoyed the giant fish the best!  We didn't get to explore the bottom level of the museum because of the time element so next time we will go there first.  It was a nice day out of with my girls! 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Disney On Ice!

 Savanna and Ella! 
 Our seats!

 Me with my girls!
 Papa and Ella!
 Nana and Savanna!
Savanna and Mommy!  She was really enjoying her mommy time this night!

Snow White!  Ella's favorite princess!
Cinderella!  Savanna's favorite!
The scene is set and ready to begin!  The girls are so excited the theme is Frozen this year!
Elsa and Anna at the ice palace with Olaf!
Olaf's song!  This number was so cute!
Anna and Kristoff together!
The end!
The twins had their first experience with Disney on Ice!  This year's theme was Frozen and once I heard this we had to get tickets.  The girls have never seen a live ice show so I don't think they knew really what to expect.  I think this show was everything and more you could want out of a ice show.  The performance was magical to say the least.  Savanna I think stood for most of the performance screaming and hollering in excitement!  Ella was standing as well but took some breaks to sit and enjoy her frozen snow treat!  They also enjoyed using their frozen light-up wands and are still playing with them today.  What a treat to enjoy this night with my girls!  We will have to go back next year for sure!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Pjs and Jewelry Making!

 The twins received this make your own jewelry set this Christmas and we decided to check it out today!
 Savanna deep in thought!
 Ella working hard!
 Cheese Savanna!
 Happy Ella!
 Ella's bracelet she made!
 Savanna's bracelet!
 Savanna's necklace!
Ella's necklace!
They did such a great job with all of their creations!  They sure have a lot of patience for this.  They spent most of the morning creating different sets.  A new hobby maybe?



New Anna hat!
New Elsa hat!
All bundled up and ready to go play!
Making footprints!

Ella making snow angels!
Savanna making snow angels!

The twins enjoyed their first snow day of the year!  They love to play in the snow and have been asking to go outside since the first snowfall.  Due to bitter cold temperatures they haven't been able to yet.  So today was a perfect morning to go out and play!  They had no problems this year getting all bundled up to go outside.  This year they each picked out a different snowsuit set which both are super cute.  When we first went outside they enjoyed making footprints and then running off some steam for a bit.  After that we tried building a snowman but the snow was so soft it was difficult.  So we went onto a snowball fight per Savanna's suggestion.  She had so much fun with it I had a hard time getting her to stop!  :)  At this point we were all getting a bit cold so we went inside to enjoy some treats.  Ella had hot chocolate and savanna wanted a smoothie( crazy girl to want something cold but that's her choice).  I had a great time playing in the snow with my twinkies!