Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Day!

 Addison's second Thanksgiving!  I can't believe all her first holidays are over and we are celebrating her second now!
 Silly face!
 Cutie pie!
 You can tell she is teething big time here!
 Savanna and Addison!
 My three little turkeys!


 Twin sister pic!
 Ella crawling with Addie!
Ella and Addison!
 Addison babbling away!  Ella actually took this pic with my camera with help of course!
We had a relaxing Thanksgiving with the family this year.  We started of the morning with watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade on tv.  There were three parades going on so we just kept switching channels between all of them to keep the girls interested.  Then the afternoon consisted of time socializing and enjoying time with family.  We had a earlier dinner and then some pumpkin pie of course for dessert (Savanna's favorite!).  To our surprise Ella fell asleep at 6:30 on the floor with a blanket (which never happens) and slept all through to the next morning!  Savanna went to bed the normal time along with Addison.  We enjoyed our time together this Thanksgiving and are all looking forward to the Christmas season now!  Our December calendar is filled with a lot of fun holiday activities that we are all looking forward to it! 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Feast!

 Their class' forest tree!
 Nana, Papa and Addison!
 Savanna coming in!
 Ella coming in!
 Their beautiful vests they made with their Indian symbols!
 Their preschool class!
 Indian dance!
 Music time!
 We are thankful for...
 The twins with their teacher!
Little Sunflower and Sparkling Snowflake!
 Savanna (she was done with pictures by this point)
 All of us together!
 Ms. Michelle, the twins and their friend Jaden!
Mrs. B. with the twins!
The girls had a Thanksgiving Feast at their preschool yesterday and it was great!  I couldn't believe what their teacher did with them in just a few short weeks.  The kids sang, did an Indian dance, made music and each spoke a part in telling something they were thankful for from God.  The performance was the cutest thing ever and I was so thrilled to be a part of the audience to cheer on my girls!  It was so fun to see how out going Ella was and was not afraid.  On the other hand, it was surprising to see how shy Savanna was!  When it came time for her to speak she just stood there and Ella had to introduce her sister's Indian name for her (which was super cute).  You never know how these girls are going to be.  They take turns being outgoing and shy.  After the performance was over the twins enjoyed a thanksgiving feast with sandwiches, fruits, veggies and treats.  It was such a big day for the girls having their first school performance but fun to witness.  I'm looking forward to the next one in December!  The Christmas play should be a treat!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Crawling and on the move!

 This is the twins Cinderella coach that she loves to play with!  She dances to the music that plays which is so adorable!
 Here is one of her first birthday gifts that is a great walking toy!  She also loves to play with her baby that talks and plays music!

 Here she is pulling herself up to standing position on the stairs!
 Starting to let go!

 On the move!

 Sitting pretty in her thankful for grandma top with her baby moccasins!
Love her expression in this pic!
Addison officially starting crawling on Halloween and less than a month later she is really cruising all over the place!  Not only is she crawling with speed, she starting pulling her self up to standing position, cruising across the bottom stair, walking with her baby stroller toy and letting go standing alone!  It is exhausting these days but also an exciting time for our baby girl.  I think she is also happy to be able to do more with her toys and try new skills.  I bet she isn't too far from walking next and then we will really have to baby proof everything!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Pumpkin First Birthday Party!

 Your highchair all decorated!
 The candy/sweets table!
 Tables all set for the party!
 Your birthday 0-12 month banner!
 Table Centerpiece!
 Gift Table!
 The Birthday girl with her big sisters!
Our little pumpkin is one!
 Getting ready to sing to the birthday girl!
 Your cake!
 You playing with your smash cake!
It seems it was a little too sweet for you!
We celebrated your first birthday last weekend with a pumpkin themed party!  It was so much fun planning this party for you and really easy to find pumpkin themed items at this time of the year.  You did so well at your party considering it was held during your afternoon nap.  You started the day off with eating as soon as we arrived to the party room.  Then you got passed around between mommy, daddy, grandma, nana and papa.  You did so well when we sang to you.  You didn't even cry once!  The cake really didn't impress you although you liked playing with it.  Then by the time presents came you took a quick power nap.  Overall, you had a great day and are so blessed to have so many wonderful family and friends to celebrate you on this special birthday.  Happy Birthday Pumpkin!