Friday, February 28, 2014

First Drawings!

 Ella's first drawing of a face!
 Close up version!
 Savanna's picture!
 Savanna's close up! 
 Ella wanted a picture with just Addie!
 Big sisters dropping in for a picture with their little sis!
Addison is getting really good at tummy time!
 Addison enjoying some floor playtime!
This week the twins drew their first person pictures.  The only drawings I have had before this are lines and scribbles which I cherish but I was super to excited to see they now are drawing people!  You can really tell they are developing in their artwork and I was happy to snap a shot of this.  Of course, they were very proud to show it off.  Then we had to snap a few shots of them with Addison.  She loves being surrounded by the girls and all the action!  She is really getting strong and now enjoys doing floor time.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our Littlest Love in her many V-day outfits!


 Love the ruffle butt!
Love this one!

Valentine's Day cuties!!!

Love my girls!!!
 Happy First Valentine's Day Addie!
 Her V-day loot!
 Savanna's cheesy smile with her purple stocks to boot that she insisted on wearing!
 Stuffy nose Ella!  That's is the best smile we could get!
 Savanna opening her gift!  She loved the new Doc McStuffins chap stick she got!
 Ella opening her gift!  Of course, my sweet tooth girl was excited about the heart chocolates she got!
 Excited about the heart-shaped pizza!
 It took almost 2 hours to get this pizza but totally worth it for the kiddos!
 Mommy with her little love bug! 


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Three Months!

Someone is three months old!

Very proper with our hands folded!  Such a lady!!!

My new pink hat!
 Smiling at my giraffe!
 All smiles!
 I like my mobile!
 Hanging out in my crib!

Addison at three months old!!!
You are in size 1 diapers and are wearing 3 month clothing (and some 0-3 month stuff still).
You are really starting to talk to us!
You are starting to push up during tummy time!
You are starting to take longer naps.
You are really hitting the animals on your play gym and bouncy seat.
You now like to look at your mobile in your crib.
You like to look at your hippo on the wall during diaper changes and smile at it.  Makes me smile!
You eat every three hours.
You go to sleep around 10pm and then eat around 6am which is great!
You still sleep in your rock and play at night.
You had your first cold.  :(  But are getting extra kisses and hugs to help you feel better soon!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Playtime with little sis!

 Playing in Addie's room!
 Smiles for her big sis!
 Addison is touching Ella's face!
 Love this one!  They love getting down on the blanket with her!
Addison with Ella!

You can tell how much Addison looks up to her big sisters already.  She loves to smile and stare at them as they talk to her.  The twins, especially Ella, love to talk to her and hold her little hands.  It just melts my heart!!!  I love the bond between them already.  I know in the future the twins will always look out for their little sister.  They are such good big sisters already!