Friday, November 29, 2013

Baby's First Holiday!



Addison celebrated her first Thanksgiving!  I love that she is a November/Fall baby because I love all the colors that come with it.  Of course, like her sisters, she needed turkey attire.  She had the entire ensemble from matching shoes all the way to a coordinating headband!  I was able to get a few pics of her while she was awake.  She looked so adorable!  Of course, she couldn't part take in the holiday meal but next year she will be joining in.  Time is flying by she will be one month old soon.  I'm just taking it all in and savoring every moment because I know how fast they grow.  I just love her!!!  Happy First Turkey Day Addison!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Full of thanks!


 Her eyes are so open in this pic! 
 Love these two!!!
 Savanna on left
I have so much to be thankful for this year!  I am so blessed with the miracle of three beautiful healthy girls!  I can't imagine our life being any other way.  I look forward to helping these little girls grow and turn into young ladies.  So this Thanksgiving I give thanks for our little family! 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Holding Addison!

 Savanna, proud big sister!
 Ella couldn't wait to hold her!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Hospital Pics!

Bella Baby took beautiful hospital pictures of Addison that I fell in love with.  I cried as I was watching the slide show for the first time!  It's such a nice memory to have of what she looked like soon after birth.  So sweet and precious is all I can say.  What a beautiful gift that god has given us!

Friday, November 15, 2013

One Week Home!

 Balloons from Nana and Papa to come home too!

Beautiful flowers from Grandma and Grandpa!
Getting a lot of use out of our pack and play this time!
Big Sis Savanna wanted a pic with her sister!
All dressed up and awake!

Mommy and Addie!
 First Bath!

 Wasn't Happy!

One week old already and I am learning so much about Addison.  It is such a joy to have her home!  We are all adjusting to a new routine around here.  The twins are a little emotional which is to be expected but are very into their new sister.  They ask a lot of questions about her and want to talk to her a lot.  Addison is doing well with all of the noise in our house!  :)  Overall I think we are doing well. 

Here is a little info about Addie at one week old:
Likes her paci
Wants to be eat right away and doesn't like to wait
Loves to be held especially on your chest
Is a little night owl
Loves to be swaddled with her arms out



Saturday, November 9, 2013

Going Home!

 All ready!

 The girls meeting Addison!

 Family of five pic!
 Sweet Baby Addison!

 All ready to come home!

The girls got to come to the hospital to meet their new little sister.  They did so well!  Ella smiled when she saw her and said the baby came out.  Then that followed with where is the baby sister for Savanna!  I had to remind her there was only one baby here.  It was too cute.  Savanna was a little shy at first but also warmed up quickly to Addison and became very protective.  She knows its her little sister and doesn't want anyone to bother her.  After the short visit we then departed home as a family of five! So happy to take our new little peanut home!