Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Summer Cuties!


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

We had a wonderful Mother's Day together!  The girls got mommy some beautiful tulips which is my favorite kind!  I'm so lucky to have these girls and cherish the time I spend with them.  Now with working we don't get as much time as we use to and I do miss that.  So I really enjoy days like today where I get to spend the whole day with them.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Zoo Day!

 Just got here!
 Dolphin Show!

 We met friends at the zoo!  Here is Jaden with the twins!

Just the girls!
It was such a nice day for the zoo!  I had a day off of work and decided last minute to go to the zoo with my girls.  They have been asking to go for a long time so today was the day.  We were there for most of the day and got to see a lot of the animals and of course the dolphin show which I think is their favorite part!  The girls also enjoyed having Jaden there and loved visiting the Living Coast animals with him.  What a fun day!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Big Sister!

Ella and Savanna are going to be big sisters!!!  The new baby is due this November!   I am 12 weeks along and baby is doing great!  I can't wait to find out if its going to be a little sister or brother.  I asked the girls to tell me what they think the baby is going to be which was interesting.  Ella said she thought the baby is going to be a girl and Savanna said boy.  So we will see.  So far Ella seems to be a little more interested in the baby talk.  When I ask her about the baby she will give my tummy a little kiss which is so sweet.  On the other hand, Savanna doesn't really show a lot of interest in it yet.  I can't believe we will be a family of five soon!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Cinderella Nightgown!

This is Ella's first nightgown so of course I has to take a picture of her in it!  She was so excited to put it on she even did a twirl in it.