Thursday, February 28, 2013

Building A Snowman!

 Ella on left!
 We built our first snowman!
 Here he is!  Carrot nose and all!
We decided we would build another one!
 This one we made smaller by Savanna's request!
The girls and I built our first snowman together!  Mommy did most of the work as the girls told me to keep building. Lol!  Then, when the first snowman was finished Ella wanted a carrot nose so luckily I had carrots in the house.  Next, Savanna wanted me to build a smaller snowman which we added a hat too!  This was so much fun and hopefully next year they can help out more. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Pretend Play!

 Ella playing with her Easter House!
 Doesn't everyone wear a tutu when they play?
 Ella inviting the princess' over!
 Ella giving Ariel a check-up!  So cute!
Savanna reading Brown Bear Brown Bear!
The girls are starting to pretend play and it is too cute for words!  If I start the idea of what to do they will continue it in their own way.  They both wanted to put on their tutus tonight and were pretending to be ballerinas.  Ella was also playing with her princess castle and Easter house.  She especially loves to play with Snow White. At other times Ella will play with her kitchen and pretend to make hot chocolate for us.  Savanna was also playing with Ella at the Easter house tonight.  At other times, Savanna will make up things for Ella and her to do and she really enjoys looking in the mirror while making different expressions.  They both have been soaking in so much lately!  They enjoy learning their letters, numbers, counting, and painting.  It is so fun to teach them new things and really see them use those skills.  I think the best thing is how they love to read!  Every night we read to the girls and I cherish those moments because that time is so precious.  I love these girls so much!!! 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

The heart cake I made this year!
and of course, cupcakes too!
V-day jammies!
My little cupcake, Savanna!
My sweet little Ella!
 Ella playing with her new heart pig, Cupid!
Savanna with her new valentine Minnie necklace and cupid!

Friday, February 8, 2013

First Ponytail!

I had to post these.  They look so much older with their ponytail.  Their hair is still a little short to keep it in but they look so cute!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

It's Time For Your Check-Up!

 The patients!
 Doctor Savanna!
 The Doc is in!
 Hard at work!
 Giving Our Check-ups!
Doctor Ella!
The girls love to watch DocMcstuffins and since then they love to play doctor.  The show is all about a little girl who fixes her stuffed animals and has a clinic in her playhouse.  When the girls play they always give a full check-up and tell us what the diagnosis is.  It is the cutest thing to see!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

New Sleds!


We got the girls some sleds this year and although we haven't really gone sledding yet they have been playing with them outside our house.  Savanna seems to be into it a little more than Ella which is interesting since Savanna didn't even want to step in the snow last winter.  They are switching places this year. I'm glad we are finally getting some snow around here so the girls can experience these things.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Picnic Time!

 Ella getting everything all ready!
 Picnic Time!
 Savanna feeding her stuffed animals!
 Ella talking to her stuffed animal friends!

Love Bugs!

V-day dress!
 Little Love Bugs!
V-day crafting!

 Ella doing more V-day crafts!
 Savanna working on her crafts!
We are already getting use out of our Valentine's dresses.  The girls really enjoy doing crafts and so I thought of a few we could do for February.  Of course, they end up on the fridge when completed.  They really enjoy looking at them and showing others what they did.  I'm looking forward to Valentine's day this year and making a heart cake for the girls.  Hopefully it turns out!  Pics to come.