Monday, December 31, 2012

The Twins at Christmas!

 Savanna on left

 My sweet Savanna!

 My sweet Ella!

The girls are now two and half and this is their Christmas dress this year!  They are so sweet in so many ways!  This year they really got into Christmas.  They know how to sing Frosty the Snowman, Santa is coming to town and We Wish you a Merry Christmas.  They enjoyed going to the Zoo lights, the train at the mall, breakfast with Santa, baking cookies, reindeer pancakes and opening presents!  It was a magical Christmas this year!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Morning!

 Santa came!

 The girls were so excited to see the presents under the tree!
Opening presents!
 Savanna looking at her new toys!
 New princess baby!
 Two of their big gifts this year!  Mickey Farm Set and Doc Mcstuffins Doctor Kit!
 Doctor Ella!
 Daddy helping the girls set up their new toys!
 Ella and Mommy!
 mmm.....cinnamon rolls!
We had a wonderful Christmas morning at our house this year!  It was so fun to see the girls' reactions as they came downstairs to find presents under the tree.  They were so excited and kept saying Santa came!  This was the first year that they actually were able to open their present by themselves.  Daddy and I would start it for them and then they would do the rest.  They are getting so big now!  I think the cutest gift was the doctor kit.  They love to give mommy and daddy a check up all the time now.  What a special Christmas morning together!

Breakfast with Santa!

 Daddy and Ella!
 Savanna and Mommy!
 Savanna talking with Santa and Ella keeping her distance
 We are getting a little closer to Santa in this pic!
 Ho Ho Ho!!! 
We went to our annual breakfast with Santa at the country club by our house.  It was so cute because Savanna actually talked with Santa this year.  She asked him what he was doing and she told him she wanted strawberry shortcake.  I was so happy to see her really enjoy talking with him this year.  Ella did wave to Santa but that was about it.  She was a little shy around him but there is always next year.  What a fun morning!

Choo Choo Train!

One of the girls favorite things to do this holiday season was riding the train at the mall!  They have really become pros at it since they do it so often now.  It's so fun to watch them on it and they love to wave at you as they take their ride.  As they try new things I always think how nice it is that they have each other to ride with as they experience new things like this!

Baking at Aunt Deanna's House!

All the kids ready to bake!

Me and my girls!
Aunt Deanna with Sophia and Jay
Are they done yet?
Ella and Jay!

Time to decorate!

We went to Aunt Deanna's house to do some more baking with the kids.  This day we made sugar, peppermint and ginger cookies.  All the kids had a blast baking with their cousins and the adults loved it too!  You can never have too many cookies over the holiday season!!!