Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Donuts for breakfast!
Ella loved the chocolate ones!
Savanna liked chocolate and glazed donuts!
The sugar is starting to kick in!
Happy Girl!
What a cutie!
Silly Girls!

My little strawberries!


The girls had a great Halloween this year!  Savanna lead us around for trick or treating this time.  While Ella was shy at first but she came around after going to a few houses.  Since it was so cold we just went around the block and came back after that.  Then the girls helped daddy and I pass out candy.  Savanna especially loved watching through our front window and seeing all the kids in their costumes trick or treating!  It was so cute!  Happy Halloween!!! 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Carving Pumpkins!

They are not to sure about this..
Savanna getting the seeds out!
Look at all those seeds!

Ella getting seeds out!
Ella getting a closer look!
Mommy carved a Mickey Mouse face on our pumpkin!

I decided to carve pumpkins with the girls this year!  I thought they would be good little helpers on getting all the seeds out.  Savanna was the first to try it after me of course.  She really didn't like the feel of it.  Ella went next and while she didn't also like how it felt she was willing to try it again.  Needless to say I did most of it but the girls still liked the whole experience.  Then, while they were napping I carved the pumpkin.  It was a fun day!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Library Class!

Ella on left
Savanna sitting with the kids!
Listening to a story!
The girls watching the pumpkin finger play.
The girls giving the teacher their name tag.

Milkshake song!  The girls love this!!!
The girls both got a picture to color.    Ella is showing me her pumpkin.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Playing In The Leaves!

Getting a closer look!
All covered what?
Having a good time!
 Ella laying in the leaves!
I love this picture!
Savanna making a big pile!
All covered up and loving it!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Picking Pumpkins!



 Our sister pic! 
Second time didn't get any better.  Oh well.

Me and my girls!
Our pumpkins!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Camping At Point Beach!

 They look so much alike in this picture!  This was taken inside our camper.  (Ella on left)

 Hanging out in my new camping chair!
 Savanna had to hang on to her minnie mouse ball.
 Savanna and Jay playing on the cars!
Ella having fun!
Enjoying our oreo treat round the campfire!
Ella hanging out with daddy!

Sister Secrets!
Family Pic!

                            Ella built her first sand castle!                             

 Cousins playing on the beach!
What a fun time they had!

This past weekend we went to Point Beach to camp and had a blast!  The girls did so well even with the cooler weather.  We spent a lot of time playing at the campsite, going on walks, having fun at the park and going to the beach.  The girls also enjoyed having their treats by the campfire.  The last night we went out to dinner and the girls got to play in the arcade for the first time.  They had so much fun and won over 300 tickets!  They chose to get a stuffed animal puppy with their tickets that they carry everywhere now.  It was so nice to spend the weekend with everyone and the girls especially enjoyed having the extra time with their daddy.  It was so cute to see.