Saturday, June 23, 2012

Our First Haircut!

 Nana gives Ella her first haircut!
Ella watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!
 Ella did such a good job sitting for her haircut!
  Nana giving Savanna her first haircut!
Savanna sitting nicely!
Savanna didn't sit for long even with the food and tv distractions! 

The girls got their first haircut at two years old!  They didn't get much taken off but they did need it!  Ella did a really great job sitting for her haircut.  Savanna was another story.  She had a hard time sitting but Nana was still able to get the job done.  The girls look great and it is a lot easier to get through their hair with a brush now.  Even with a few curls cut off it looks like the curly hair is staying which we love.  Hopefully the girls feel the same way as they get older!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

We Love The Outdoors!

 Love the expression on Savanna's face!
 Pool time!
Ella in her shades!
 Our New Water Table!
Savanna having a snack in the big chair!

The girls have been playing outside a lot this summer.  We have turned our backyard into an amusement park but it is all worth it!  They love playing with all of their toys plus mommy has an easier time watching them in a fenced in backyard!  :)  The girls pretty much wear a swimsuit everyday and are ready to go.  They are really taking in the summer weather this year.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Twins Are Two!



 Mommy and Ella
Daddy and Savanna
 Ella's Cake
Savanna's Cake
Elmo cupcakes mommy made.
Family Pic!

The time has flew and the twins are now two!  I can't believe two years has gone by already.  My babies are now toddlers!  We celebrated their golden birthday on the actual birth date this year.  The weather was beautiful and we all had a wonderful time.  The girls loved thier Elmo dresses and were so excited to wear them!  They also enjoyed playing with bubbles, eating elmo cake and playing with all of the kids.  Poor Ella had a fever that day but was a trooper.  Savanna had a great time with everyone.  The year of the twos are ahead of us now!