Thursday, September 22, 2011

Toddler Food!


We are in full swing with eating like toddlers now!  Today for lunch we had pasta pick-ups, strawberries and chesse.  The girls really enjoy feeding themselves now.  I was a little sad giving them their first big kid meal because it is another end to babyhood but also happy for them because now they can enjoy even more kinds of food!  Oh how they have grown since the old days of just rice cereal.  They are such big girls now!

Our New Wagon!

Daddy just built our new wagon and we had to take it for a spin around the block!  The girls love it!  I think they especially like that they can see from both sides where they are going.  I can see us using this wagon a lot as the girls grow.  So much fun!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fall Is In The Air!


Oh So Tired!

Funny pic that I just had to share!

Ella is walking!!!

Ella is on the move now and our household just got a little more crazy!  Now we have two walkers and the baby gates have come out! Of course, with every new stage there is always something they can get into. We definitely have two little toddlers now!  No more babies anymore which is a little sad but also exciting.  So many more things to look forward too!