Thursday, August 25, 2011


 Love the smiles!
 Ella walking with her toy!
 Savanna loves to carry around this picnic basket toy!

Ella is learning to walk!  Ella this past month has been trying to walk.  She takes a few steps and then falls but gets right back up.  You can tell that she just wants to get up and go!  Especially when she sees her sister running all over the place.  The girls are definitely active now!  Mommy and Daddy are tired by the end of day but it is all worth it!  We love those little ladies! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Playtime At The Park!


It was a beautiful day at the park today.  The weather was pleasant and the girls had a lot of fun. The best part was the swings!!!  Luckily this park had two baby swings.  The girls enjoyed the swings so much that they were upset when we had to leave.  I can see many trips to the park in our future!