Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Disney Store!

Daddy bought the girls each a Minnie Mouse at the Disney Store yesterday.  They both were so excited to get Minnie especially Ella!  She didn't want to share when she got home and Savanna didn't really care either way which was good.    
Ella wouldn't let the Minnies go!
Looks like we might have to go and buy two more for Savanna!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Cupcake Girls!


My First Mother's Day!

Unfortunately, Mothers Day brought ear infections, high fevers and stuffy noses for the girls.  They were really tired and out of sorts but my Mother's Day was still special because I spent it with them.  They made it eleven months now without getting sick and we knew eventually it was bound to happen.  Add teething into the mix and things get very complicated.  After several sleepless nights they are finally feeling better.  Now we are gearing up for their Minnie Mouse first birthday party.  I have been very busy with shopping for party items and making invitations for the party months in advance and now it is almost here.  In just two short weeks the girls will be turning one!  I can't believe our little girls are growing so fast.