Thursday, March 31, 2011

Savanna Is Crawling!

Savanna just started crawling yesterday!  This was so exciting to see and a big surprise.  Her sister Ella is not too far behind.  Now that Ella is watching Savanna get around I think it may be motivation to crawl too!  It is kind of funny because I just started baby proofing our home.  I just had a feeling that the girls were going to be on the move soon.  Our little girls are growing up!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Kiss Me We're Irish!

 Ella holding Savanna's arm.
 Savanna playing with her feet and Ella with her belly laughs.
Happy Girls!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sippy Cup Time!

 Savanna is wondering where the formula is?

 Ella is one handing it like a pro!
 Savanna using it as a teething toy!
 Ella is getting the hang of it!

The girls are starting to learn how to use a sippy cup.  I just began giving them one at lunch time to experiement with it.  Sometimes they actually drink some water but at other times they use it as a teething toy.  Too funny!  This month we are also starting the stage two baby foods which is exciting.  The girls really love to eat all their fruits and veggies too!  I am so lucky they enjoy everything.  Hopefully that sticks in years to come.