Saturday, February 5, 2011

Blizzard 2011!

 Mommy and Savanna!
 Mommy and Ella!
Mommy and her girls!

The girls had their first blizzard and it was a big one!  It was so bad that even daddy was home from work.  So we were able to spend time together as a family.  The girls loved watching the snow come down from inside their warm home.  After the blizzard, I went outside with the girls to take some pictures to mark this historical event.  It will have to be added to their baby books. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Our Little Love Bugs!

Ella on the left and Savanna on the right!

Savanna on left and Ella on right!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Learning To Sit Up!

Savanna prop sitting!

 I'm getting tired!

Ella prop sitting!

What a big girl!

The girls are getting bigger day by day.  This past month we have been working on prop sitting.  The girls are starting to hold themselves up slowly.  They still get tired when doing this because it is hard work.  Ella just started getting up on her knees and pushing up with her hands while rocking.  This is a good start to crawling.  Savanna has been doing really well with pushing up on her belly and loves tummy time!  She too, is pulling her legs under her.  In another few months the girls will be crawling and all over the place!!!  Mommy and Daddy will be getting a lot of exercise chasing after two babies.