Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cosley Zoo!

The girls in the hay play area!
Ella's pumpkin
Savanna's pumpkin
Savanna playing in the pumpkins!
Ella loved the pumpkin patch and didn't want to leave!

We spent the day at Cosley Zoo which is celebrating the month of October by adding a pumpkin patch.  The weather was beautiful and we had a fun time spending the morning there.  Ella especially loved the pumpkin patch area.  She cried when we left!  Savanna enjoyed walking around the field area.  Both girls really liked their small pumpkins.  I think they like the fact that they can hold it easily.  What a fun day at the zoo!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Our First Camping Trip!

Ella's favorite part of the play field!
Oh how they love the swings!
Ella gaining her balance!
Savanna having fun running through the play field!
The girls together!
Savanna at the beach for the first time!
Ella loved the beach!
Savanna and Mommy playing in the water!
Grandma walking with Ella!
The girls in their hats from the Apple Fest!
Playing with Aunt Stacey and cousin Emily
Going for a walk at the campsite!
Mommy and Ella!
Daddy and Savanna
Eating at our trailer!

Well we found out two new things about the girls from our trip (as Daddy says) the girls are great little campers and they love grilled cheese!  We couldn't have asked for a better trip!  The weather was beautiful everyday and the family was all together to share this first experience with us.  We went on many walks through the campsite and visited the beach a few times.  Along with a visit to the Apple Fest in town and to make the trip complete a night out at Port Sandy Bay Restaurant (where the girls had their first grilled cheese.)  I have to admit I was a little nervous about how the girls were going to do on their first trip but was so pleased to know that they really enjoy their time there and that they slept in their pack n plays.  Mommy and Daddy can't wait to take the girls again next year!    

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Toddler Food!


We are in full swing with eating like toddlers now!  Today for lunch we had pasta pick-ups, strawberries and chesse.  The girls really enjoy feeding themselves now.  I was a little sad giving them their first big kid meal because it is another end to babyhood but also happy for them because now they can enjoy even more kinds of food!  Oh how they have grown since the old days of just rice cereal.  They are such big girls now!

Our New Wagon!

Daddy just built our new wagon and we had to take it for a spin around the block!  The girls love it!  I think they especially like that they can see from both sides where they are going.  I can see us using this wagon a lot as the girls grow.  So much fun!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fall Is In The Air!


Oh So Tired!

Funny pic that I just had to share!

Ella is walking!!!

Ella is on the move now and our household just got a little more crazy!  Now we have two walkers and the baby gates have come out! Of course, with every new stage there is always something they can get into. We definitely have two little toddlers now!  No more babies anymore which is a little sad but also exciting.  So many more things to look forward too!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


 Love the smiles!
 Ella walking with her toy!
 Savanna loves to carry around this picnic basket toy!

Ella is learning to walk!  Ella this past month has been trying to walk.  She takes a few steps and then falls but gets right back up.  You can tell that she just wants to get up and go!  Especially when she sees her sister running all over the place.  The girls are definitely active now!  Mommy and Daddy are tired by the end of day but it is all worth it!  We love those little ladies! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Playtime At The Park!


It was a beautiful day at the park today.  The weather was pleasant and the girls had a lot of fun. The best part was the swings!!!  Luckily this park had two baby swings.  The girls enjoyed the swings so much that they were upset when we had to leave.  I can see many trips to the park in our future!   

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Savanna is starting to walk!!!

Savanna has been taking a few steps for the past month and has been gaining confidence by holding on with one hand as she walks around the house.  Lately, she has been taking small strides from one object to the next but today she has been letting go and walking a far distance before she falls on her bottom.  She gets so excited and that is usually what makes her lose her balance and fall.  It is so exciting for mommy and daddy to see her walk too!  It's so cute because she is determined to walk and doesn't give up!  As soon as she falls she gets right back up again to try it another time.  What a trooper! 

Enjoying The Summer Sun!

Grandma and Grandpa Rich bought the girls these nice lawn chairs for their birthday and they love them!  The twins really enjoy being outdoors in the summer and this is a perfect way to take in the sunshine!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

The girls on their new bench!
Savanna is being bashful!

We had a great Fourth of July weekend spending it with our family.  The girls also got a new bench that is too cute!  It has zoo animals on it and it is mostly made of wood.  I think they will spend alot of time sitting on it in the future.  Ella liked it so much that she was upset when we took her off of it!  Too funny!