Monday, December 27, 2010

Ho Ho Ho! Santa was good to us!

Ella on left and Savanna on right

Savanna The Girls First Christmas was magical! Santa was very good to the girls this year along with family and friends. We feel very blessed and I wouldn't have pictured it any other way. Mommy and Daddy are so happy we could spend it with everyone we love. Now we just need to find a spot for all of the girls new toys. I think it is time to get the girls their first toy box!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Our New Chair!

Ella having fun in the Bumbo Chair!

Savanna playing with her keys in the Bumbo Chair!
The girls are gaining good head control and are ready to sit up but with some support. We are also starting rice cereal this week. So we decided to get the Bumbo Chair to help. The girls like their new chair. I think Ella likes it even more than Savanna. She sat in it for about 20 to 30 minutes her first time! As far as the rice cereal goes I think we wore more of it than anything else but we will get the hang of it soon. Daddy and Mommy couldn't stop laughing. I think we had some cereal on us as well. More pics to come!