Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sister Love!

We love being by each other. This was taken during play time in our crib(when we should be sleeping) in the early morning hours! Savanna is on the left and Ella on the right. They totally sense one another and love talking to each other in their own language.

Play Time!

We have been busy growing and getting stronger this past month. The girls love their pink play mat and get their daily exercise on it. They especially love when they are on it together. Sometimes they even hold hands which makes me melt. It is the cutest thing in the world! Also, we have big news this month because Ella rolled over from her back to her tummy! The first time she did it she began to cry because she was scared. She wasn't sure what just happened. The second time she did it was like she was a pro. Savanna is rolling on her side and any day she too will roll over. She loves kicking her feet on the mat and looking at her sister. This week the girls are going to be three months old. I can't wait to see what they do next!